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Marx, Karl

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Capital - by Karl Marx
Capital - by Karl Marx
  Capital Volume 1 - by Karl Marx.
  Capital Volume 1 - (chapters 1 to 33) by Karl Marx.
  Capital Volume 1 - by Karl Marx.
  Capital Volume 2 - by Karl Marx (1885).
  Capital Volume 2 - by Karl Marx.
  Capital Volume 3
- by Karl Marx. [PDF]
  Capital Volume 3
- by Karl Marx.

Communist Manifesto - by Karl Marx (1848).
Communist Manifesto - by Karl Marx.
Communist Manifesto - by Karl Marx.

Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right - by Karl Marx (1844).

The Poverty of Philosophy - by Karl Marx (1847).
The Poverty of Philosophy - by Karl Marx.
The Poverty of Philosophy - by Karl Marx.

The German Ideology - by Karl Marx (1846).

Debates on Freedom of the Press and Publication of the Proceedings of the Assembly of the Estates - by Karl Marx (1842). [PDF]

Value, Price and Profit - by Karl Marx (1865).
Value, Price and Profit - by Karl Marx.
Value, Price and Profit - by Karl Marx.

Wage-Labor and Capital - by Karl Marx (1849).
Wage-Labor and Capital - by Karl Marx.
Wage-Labor and Capital - by Karl Marx. [PDF]

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - by Karl Marx.
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - by Karl Marx.
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - by Karl Marx.

The Civil War in France - by Karl Marx (1870-71).
The Civil War in France - by Karl Marx.
The Civil War in France - by Karl Marx. [PDF]


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