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Anaximenes: Fragments and Commentary - Anaximenes of Miletos, son of Eurystratos, was the pupil or companion of Anaximandros. According to Apollodoros, quoted by Diogenes, he was born in the sixty-third Olympiad (528-524 B.C.). Diels1 has, however, made it seem probable that this date refers to his prime of life, rather than to his birth.

Existence and Being - by Martin Heidegger (1949).
Existence and Being - by Martin Heidegger.
Existence and Being - by Martin Heidegger.

Lectures on Heidegger's Being and Time - These lectures, developed and delivered over several courses at different schools, represent an attempt to guide the reader through the work in a thoughtful and careful manner.

Critique of Pure Reason - by Immanuel Kant (1781).
Critique of Pure Reason - by Immanuel Kant.
Critique of Pure Reason - by Immanuel Kant.

Creative Evolution - by Henri Bergson (1911).
Creative Evolution - by Henri Bergson.
Creative Evolution - by Henri Bergson.

An Introduction To Metaphysics - by Henri Bergson (1903) [PDF]
An Introduction To Metaphysics
- by Henri Bergson [scan errors, missing sections]

The Meno - by Plato.
The Meno - by Plato.
The Meno - by Plato.

Metaphysics - by Aristotle (350 BCE).

The Monadology - by Gottfried Leibniz (1698).
The Monadology - by Gottfried Leibniz.
The Monadology - by Gottfried Leibniz.

Discourse on Metaphysics - by Gottfried Leibniz.
Discourse on Metaphysics - by Gottfried Leibniz.

The Symposium - by Plato. The Internet Classics Archive.

Francis Herbert Bradley - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.



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